Dreamy, my living canary

The term ‘canary in a coal mine’ originated in the 1900s. Canaries were used to detect toxic gasses in coal mines. The death of the canary was an early warning sign that the air was toxic, and the miners should leave before they also died. Sadly, this practice did not stop until the mid-eighties when […]

Change is inevitable

Change is one of the few things in life which is certain. Everyone of us will go through it, although it will be different for all of us. We tell ourselves that our lives will always be the same, but deep down we know it is untrue. Why do we change it so much? There […]

What is the barrier to honesty?

After my last post about honesty, I dug a little deeper. I asked myself what has limited me from facing the truth about myself. Why did I run from reality so often in my early years? I concluded that the pain of facing my fears seemed too great to me at the time. It was […]

Honesty, what is it?

Honesty is very important to me, and it is the way I choose to live my life. It is part of my personal integrity, and it means I am authentic. I do my best to be honest with myself and others, but I know not everyone lives this way. Honesty is often a barrier to […]

Feeling overwhelmed by the season?

Today has been a hot day here in Southern Australia, not suitable for a local walk. We headed to the beach this afternoon where the temperature was markedly lower. In typical style, Dreamy went straight for the water to cool and then toward a group of people he did not know. He stood beside them […]

What are you doing this Christmas?

As a single person, I know Christmas can be a lonely experience. I have tried many ways to overcome this – visiting friends for lunch, inviting people to my home, going out for the day and going back to my own family. But nothing could take the sting away. I tried to replace my family […]

Healing is part of living

In my last post I shared the joy I experienced during my holiday and the risks I took. These included walking over difficult terrain, letting others help me over this terrain, trusting others with my diet and using the situation to tell my story. Taking risks and facing difficulties has always been part of my […]

Are you a draught horse or a racehorse?

Sometimes I envy those who have not spent their life trying to lose weight to an acceptable level to hold a job, have a partner or receive respect from others. There are times when I resent what I have been through. This is always the outcome when I succumb to the pressure and compete with […]

Is it possible to have a close relationship without sex?

My last two posts have been on singleness. As with the first, the last post has also sparked some interest. So, I am continuing the theme. Is it possible to a close friend without sex? Over the years, my sexuality has been questioned because I have chosen to remain single. I have many female friends, […]

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