Today Dreamy and I walked the lake as we often do. Dreamy loves this walk. He stops and takes in the scents of other dogs and leaves his own. He is happy, and I enjoy his happiness. This focus drew me into more rested state. As I focussed on walking and took in the beauty […]
My book is now at a printer and is to be released on the 2nd June. To say I am nervously excited is an understatement. Thoughts are running through my mind like: · What have I done? · Am I exposing myself too much? · Will anyone want to read it? · Who am I […]
Just over two years ago I adopted my first dog. It was both terrifying and exciting bringing him home. Dreamy was a 37 kg greyhound. A friend suggested his name as it rhymed with his kennel name, Meany. When we arrived home after a 5-hour trip from the place I adopted him he did all […]
My greyhound, Dreamy and I walk each day. My walks take a little longer with him as he sniffs plants for scents. He loves our daily walks, and I enjoy walking with him. He’s usually not interested in other dogs but loves humans. We get lots of looks. Our pattern is to have a coffee […]
Today I graduated as a Functional Medicine Health Coach. This is a different path for me, one I would never have considered eighteen months ago. Having always worked in finance, it is scary! My working career began as an accountant 30 years ago. I was young at the time and didn’t know what to do. […]