I hope you had a restful break over the Christmas and New Year period. It has been a busy few weeks since I last blogged. Dreamy and I caught up with friends before Christmas and spent the day at home. We shared roast chicken and veggies cooked on the barbeque with a close friend. Roast chicken is Dreamy’s favourite food! Â
A few days later my boy and I were off to stay in the Adelaide Hills at a little cabin in Mylor. Despite the summer heat, we caught up with family and lots of friends, ate some yummy meals out and had a puppachino or two. Dreamy was very comfortable on the bed, and when we travelled, I cranked up the car air-conditioner and pointed the vents towards him.
In the coming weeks I will be preparing for the delivery of my course, Healthier You, in which I share what I have learned about living a healthy and happy life, including weight loss. It took me many years to develop unhealthy habits, so changing them took a while. I liken my lifestyle change to turning a huge ship around. It is a slow manoeuvre which can only be done an increment at a time. Patience is vital to permanent lifestyle change.
This year the course will offered locally and will also be available online. I will be delivering the sessions, and I encourage discussion after each presentation. We will cover various topics such as what constitutes a healthy diet, how to avoid blood sugar spikes, understanding what is in the food we eat, how to read food labels and how to cook in a healthy way.
The first course for the year starts in February and will be delivered via one-hour sessions over twelve weeks. The classes will be small to enable safe, open and honest discussion. There will also be a chat group for conversation both during and after the course has finished and a summary of what we have learned for you to take away.
If you would like to be a part of a course, please message me and we will chat. Remember, the classes are small so they will fill up quick.
For more information and to see some positive reviews, visit my website – www.jennysthoughts.com and click on WORK WITH ME.
In love, Jenny