“A health coach guides people to take control of their health through self-discovery, goal-setting, self-monitoring and accountability. While health coaches do not diagnose or treat medical conditions, we do provide information about physical health and promote mental health by offering emotional support. Rather than telling someone what they should or shouldn’t do, we help people discover their own power to change…Health coaches are the key to creating sustainable and successful change.” (Dr Sandra Scheinbaum,Ph.D.)
My life has been about change; change to a healthy lifestyle. Living a life of compassion and understanding for others and myself has changed my thinking and habits. Over time I have lost over 100kg. I am now living a new and fulfilling life.
I am a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) and an Accredited Health and Wellness Coach with Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand (HCANZA).
If you want encouragement to find your way to a healthier life and the best you, please contact me on 0438 249177 or [email protected].
I’d love to help!