Get the one-to-one support you need to finally break free from dieting and change your life for good
At the core of my obesity was a genuine, deep self-loathing. My self-talk drove me into an emotional and psychological abyss. I had learned this pattern when I was very young. I hated myself so I ate, I ate, and I hated myself more. Does this sound familiar?
My addiction to food began when I was a child and I carried it into adulthood. I suffered from infections under the excess folds of skin, sickness, depression, fatigue, and a poor immune system. Then, as I changed my diet and lifestyle, my body healed, the infections ceased, I lost weight and I found a new zest for life. It is my hope that my experience will make your journey easier. I have done the work, now I want to help you with the wisdom and experience I have gained.
I’m not going to lie, permanent weight loss is hard
Permanent dramatic weight loss is uncommon, but I know personally that it is possible. Most of us seek out the easiest ways to lose weight such as dieting and weight loss programs. These are not maintainable long term; hence we return to our old lifestyle and the weight also returns.
However, small, maintainable changes over time create permanent change.
Changes that are suited to your lifestyle and weight loss journey. Each change will bring with it tangible benefits to your health. We will work together on your goals and the lifestyle changes to reach them.
Weight is not the core issue for us: it is self-acceptance. We are more than our body and what is within it is of great value. Maintaining our body with a healthy lifestyle, will increase its longevity and efficiency so we can live our best life. I want to help you find the courage to let go of what weighs you down so you can start your journey to health.
What does weight loss coaching look like?
I will listen to your story, offer understanding, and help you work through the obstacles to your weight loss journey. I offer a non-judgmental and confidential space for you to disclose what holds you back and the wisdom to help you change your life. All coaching packages are created to suit you. Book a FREE 30-min call to discuss your options.
What’s next?
Although I don’t have all the answers, I do have the inspiration. I offer the hope for you to keep going. Do you burn within to lose weight and be healthier? Let’s work together to keep that fire burning. It is this fire which will change your life! Book a FREE 30-min no-obligation call to find out if we’re a good fit and get started.
In love, Jenny
Jenny Marshall MBA FMCHC Member of HCANZA