Achievement, is it all it is meant to be?

Sometimes the thrill of the chase can be better than the prey itself. In the same way, the thought of achieving a goal can be more enjoyable than having achieved what we have sought after for so long. We work hard to get a qualification, improve our position in life, or get fit. But when we have finally achieved the goal, is it all that we had hoped it would be? Have we self-actualized, or reached our nirvana?

I have attained some goals that have been important to me. These include completing an MBA, reaching the top of Mt Kosciusko, becoming fit and improving my health dramatically. But how do I feel now that I have attained these things? For me, the accomplishment was not as good as I thought it would be. In fact, the thought of achieving was better than achievement itself.

Once I had made it, I needed another goal to keep my juices flowing. But was this what I really wanted? I had the misguided idea that if I had attained these things, I would be satisfied. But satisfaction did not come. Instead, the urge to keep trying pushed me on, ever seeking the gold at the end of the rainbow.

The achievements improved my self-worth, and I began to believe that I was just as good as the next person. It was enough to prove to me that I was not inferior to others, and this helped me discover peace. It was not the achievement that mattered, but that I believed in myself, for in that space I found peace, joy, and contentment.

Sometimes in our desire to achieve we forget what it was all about in the first place. We become entangled in the competitive rat-race that is our culture. After a while we discover that there is always a faster rat to beat. Achievement is good, but it should never be the end. Instead, is a means, a way to find satisfaction. Life is more than meeting goals. We meet our goals to create a good life for ourselves. Never lose sight of your purpose in life.

In love, Jenny

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