This is a story of hope. A story of profound personal change, from a life of obesity and depression to a life of love and freedom.
As a child Jenny endured emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse and learned to use food as comfort. Her weight increased through adolescence, as did the bullying she experienced at school.​
By the time she reached 12, she weighed 300 pounds (132 kg) and was ashamed of her body. When she left home and entered the workforce, the bullying continued. At her largest she weighed 600 pounds (over 250 kg) and was the object of disdain from many. ​
Her severe obesity affected her health and the way she perceived herself. Her future was bleak, and she believed she was worthless. To find an answer, she sought help from a fundamental church. Some saw her behaviour as demon possession and sought to exorcise it. But others saw beyond the behaviour and understood the root was shame. One of these was a close friend who convinced her that that her life mattered and if she died, she would be missed. ​
Jenny realised she was loved and slowly set about changing her life. She changed her lifestyle and began walking her way to health. With many twists and turns along the way, she lost over 220 pounds (100 kg) and created a new life for herself. She now lives a healthy and active life having maintained the weight loss.
​Ultimately, love healed Jenny. It gave her the courage to persist on her journey to health.