journey through obesity

This is a story of hope. A story of profound personal change, from a life of obesity and depression to a life of love and freedom.

As a child Jenny endured emotional, psychological, physical, and sexual abuse and learned to use food as comfort. Her weight increased through adolescence, as did the bullying she experienced at school.​

By the time she reached 12, she weighed 300 pounds (132 kg) and was ashamed of her body. When she left home and entered the workforce, the bullying continued. At her largest she weighed 600 pounds (over 250 kg) and was the object of disdain from many. ​

Her severe obesity affected her health and the way she perceived herself. Her future was bleak, and she believed she was worthless. To find an answer, she sought help from a fundamental church. Some saw her behaviour as demon possession and sought to exorcise it. But others saw beyond the behaviour and understood the root was shame. One of these was a close friend who convinced her that that her life mattered and if she died, she would be missed. ​

Jenny realised she was loved and slowly set about changing her life. She changed her lifestyle and began walking her way to health. With many twists and turns along the way, she lost over 220 pounds (100 kg) and created a new life for herself. She now lives a healthy and active life having maintained the weight loss.

​Ultimately, love healed Jenny. It gave her the courage to persist on her journey to health.

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Death By Chocolate Cake: My Journey Through Obesity With Love

Price $30

Softcover copy of the book signed by Jenny Marshall. This is a story of hope-of profound, personal change from a life of obesity and depression to a life of love and freedom.

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Jenny Marshall

Reviews of my Book

A powerful script to heal your mind, body and soul

There is a line in one of hymns written by William W. Walford, (1845) that says, " This robe of flesh I’ll drop, and rise; To seize the everlasting prize...." The name of the song is "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Jenny's book is and will be an answer to prayer for many. There are so many lessons and truths in this book. Jenny's vulnerability, innocence, humanity and candidness was a mirror in how to handle, behave and confront such a journey. While reading this "healing balm" gifted to us all to embrace, I was crying as if this was happening to me. I felt the essence and message of Jenny's journey. Just hours prior to writing this review I received some news that normally would have devastated someone. Jenny's book gave a fresh and new perspective; I became so excited because through Jenny's story, I am given the tools to heal myself through the lens of love. Jenny, I am so grateful for the expressed image of YOU. Thank you for wearing this "robe of flesh" , walking your journey, sharing your story..only to release what no longer served you and RISE to service others. What a healing balm your journey has become!

Greta M Cobb

Inspiring journey

Jenny Marshall's book is a must read honest account of her journey through obesity. She has proved it is possible to overcome trauma with desire, determination and dedication.
I have had the privilege of knowing Jenny through her journey and found her to be one amazing, witty, loyal, beautiful lady and I am in awe of her


A true love story!

I was captivated from the very beginning of this poignant, vulnerable, and brilliant story of how Love saved the author’s life. As I read Jenny’s personal account of her journey through shame, pain and guilt, I discovered parallels in my own life and this book now became very personal to me. Death by Chocolate Cake had me laughing, crying, reflecting, hoping and most of all loving this piece of work that is now one of my favorite masterpieces. Bravo the Jenny for opening up her life to the world to inspire us to love. After all that Jenny has experienced and overcome, Chapter 29 brought all the feels! If you appreciate stories of triumph, this book is a no-brainer.

Joe Atalig

Thought provoking and hopeful

Jenny Marshall's book is for everyone who suffers from a lack of self-esteem or self-loathing, that presents as symptoms of addiction, whether is be to food, which in Jenny's case led to visible symptoms of obesity, or to drugs, alcohol, etc, that may go hidden to the outside world. The underlying cause is often the same and Jenny's generous, thoughtful and well-written account of her own experience will resonate with many of us. She doesn't provide any quick fixes but her advocacy for self-respect, and genuine love for one's self give us hope that we can overcome any behaviours that impact on our health and well-being, whether they have visible symptoms or not.

Helen Daily

A gutsy and hope filled personal journey

Jenny Marshall is gifted writer who strikes a perfect balance of the gutsy and raw, heartfelt and hopeful as she shares her story of moving from a life of morbid obesity to one of a healthy and full life. The book has moments when you want to cry with the injustice she suffered but also moments when you cheer in joy as barriers are overcome. These moments are interwoven with masterful and engaging story telling which make this book eminently readable.

There was no quick fix here as Jenny overcame a background of abuse and prejudice to make change in her life. Her insight and openhearted telling of her journey will offer inspiration and hope to anyone who wants to make changes in their own life no matter what their personal challenge is.

It also provides an intimate look at the lived experience of obesity. It should be essential reading for all health workers who can be agents of change in overcoming the stigma of obesity through the provision compassionate and professional care to help people live their best lives no matter what their size.

Jennifer Cox

Honest, raw, and spunky.

I started by reading the end of the book first. I like the comfort of knowing it ends in a good place for the author. What an awesome real life story of struggle and endurance. Jenny is a rock star and a legend.

Ebony Taylor Jackson

A courageous story

This is a brave, raw story of triumph over shame and depression. The tapestry of the author’s child and adulthood is woven with pain and despair, yet the message is overwhelmingly positive. Each stitch is carefully crafted with wit, wisdom and, of course, hindsight. It takes a high level of emotional intelligence to work through so many grim memories to finally piece together a congruent explanation; Jenny has this EI in spades. Her belief that her success is embedded with love is perhaps the answer to many people’s difficulties using food and fat as defensive mechanisms, life’s armour.
I congratulate Jenny on producing this very worthwhile story which has hints and tips throughout the story to enable us to recognise ourselves as decent human beings, capable of loving and being loved.

Sarah Mott

A memoir that will enlighten you like no other!

Many of us spend our lives trying to focus on the good and forget the negatives of our past. However, most are aware that who we are today reflects where we have come from and the situations we have experienced. The author knew there were answers to find and has delved deeper than most, she has searched her past for clarity and executed the work it requires to truly understand herself. She has traveled a long road and learnt countless lessons along the way. She provides her readers with such raw honesty, you will find yourself unable to put the book down! Exceptional read written by a brilliant, courageous woman. This comes delivered to you with incredible love.


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