Money, the world's lubricant

What is money, and why do we need it? The way I see it, money is the lubricant which enables our commercial world. We need it to pay for services, and businesses need it to keep afloat and to pay their staff, who in turn need it to live their lives and pay for essential items. As an accountant I am acutely aware of how it can be used and abused to manipulate us into becoming what the world wants.

I have had my own share of trauma when it comes to money, or lack thereof. Given my weight earlier in my career, it was hard to earn. After all, how can an obese woman be fast enough to earn it efficiently, and how can she be trusted with it if she cannot control her eating habits? My parents were survivors of poverty, so it was the glue which held our family together. As the third girl, and morbidly obese, I was seen as unfit for the purpose of creating wealth, and my presence was a burden to my family.

Money is a great agent in its place: as a means to an end. It is a problem when it becomes the end purpose of life. We all know someone who lives to increase their assets, and the more they have, the better. We have witnessed those who thrive on increasing their wealth. But are these people happy and have they found their most fulfilling purpose in life? Sadly, it has come to represent success and acceptance to many.

I believe that love is the greater motivation, and that money should be used for this purpose. When we give to others without thought of return, we are successful. When money is in its place, we can truly live a fulfilling life. For me, this means that it is used to maintain my happy place. This gives me the energy to love and reach out to others, which in turn makes me happier. My motivation for the good of others has improved my life greatly. When I learned to replace it with compassion, understanding and acceptance, life became bearable and hope crept in. After all, money cannot be taken with me when I die, but love always remains.

In love, Jenny

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