We will never have this moment again

Having been on holiday, this week I felt the need to pressure myself to be more productive now I was back home. But there is something about going away. I tend to live in the moment when I am away from the distractions and demands of my life.   

We live in a culture which pressures us to perform and conform. We feel we must achieve to be acceptable, so we pressure ourselves to meet the expectations of others. But I want to live my life differently. My week away has made me more aware of the moment. I will never live this time in my life again.  

As Dreamy and I walked around the Blue Lake this afternoon, I was more conscious of the moment. I tried to focus on the bond between Dreamy and myself. As he sniffed, I listened to the birds and smelled the fragrances around us while enjoying his presence. Lately, I have been suffering from back pain, but I noticed this lessened this afternoon. When I pressure myself, I lean forward while I walk. Not only did I enjoy our walk more, but my back hurt less when we had finished.

Sometimes I worry about the past or future, simmering on situations and slump as I do. I know much of my pondering is for self-protection. I am a chronic questioner. What can I do to limit any future hurt? Is there anything in the past that I should do differently if I am confronted with the same situation? Don’t get me wrong, there is good in thinking this way at times, but I have been known to overthink these situations.

Sometimes this thinking makes the situation worse in my own mind. By focussing on anything but the present I miss the tender times between Dreamy and myself and I miss out on the love we share. But today, I realised that it is okay to live in the moment because I will never have this time again.

We are not going to live this moment again. So often we waste precious time on what we cannot change when love can only be experienced in the present moment. Life is good, so why not focus on it and enjoy it?

This image is from our walk around the Blue Lake today.

In love, Jenny

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